Black ZZ Zamioculcas Raven (PBR) Plant



Black ZZ Zamioculcas Raven (PBR)

Black ZZ Zamioculcas Raven NEW RELEASE. It’s time to meet this remarkable dark variety! Zamioculcas Raven is a new addition to the Zamioculcas family, where it stands out with its black leaves and natural colour progression. Zamioculcas has a tried and tested status as a rugged greenhouse plant. Strong statement in any space! The shiny, black feathered leaves of Black ZZ Zamioculcas Raven remind you of the impressive large bird from which the plant derives its name. Being so strong, Raven feels equally at home in a modern living room, chaotic student flat or packed open plan office. A real feature plant with few demands. Zamioculcas Raven can also cope with an owner who is a slightly forgetful waterer. If it hasn’t had any water for a while it will just rely on the reserves that it stores in its roots and rhizomes!

CAUTION: Black ZZ considered toxic if eaten by pets or humans.


Common Name Black ZZ Plant
Plant Type Indoor/Shade / Shrub / Waterwise
In highlights list Yes
Range Giving Living Indoor Plants
Dimensions 60cm high x 60cm wide
Sunlight Part Sun / Shade
Evergreen Yes
Foliage Colour Black
Botanical Genus Zamoiculcas
Botanical Species zamiifolia
Foliage Type Elliptic – Oval-shaped, Small Or No Point
Width 60 cm
Height 60 cm

Additional information


$5.95, $9.95, $19.95

Isabellas Nursery