Are you struggling to keep your indoor plants alive?

If you are struggling to keep your indoor plants alive, here are some tips that may help:

  1. Research the specific care requirements for your plants. Each type of plant has different water, light, and temperature needs, so it is important to understand the specific requirements of the plants you are trying to grow.
  2. Water your plants appropriately. Overwatering is a common cause of plant death, so it is important to avoid giving your plants too much water. Instead, water them deeply and then allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again.
  3. Provide enough light. Most plants need a certain amount of light to grow, so it is important to provide them with enough light. If you are struggling to provide enough natural light, consider using grow lights to supplement the light your plants receive.
  4. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. Indoor plants are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so it is important to avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or rapid temperature changes. Keep your plants away from drafts and heating or cooling vents, and try to maintain a consistent temperature in the room where they are growing.
  5. Check for pests. Pests can quickly kill indoor plants, so it is important to regularly check your plants for signs of infestation. If you do notice pests, treat the plants promptly to prevent the infestation from spreading.

By following these tips, you can improve the chances of your indoor plants surviving and thriving.

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What is Hydroponics and why should you grow with this method?

Hydroponics is a method of high-quality agriculture that uses soil-less mediums, such as cocopeat, clay balls, rock wool, and nutrient-rich water to feed plants. This approach offers several advantages over traditional soil-based gardening.

One of the biggest benefits of hydroponics is its efficiency and ease of maintenance. By replacing soil with other mediums, plants are less exposed to diseases, pests, and other problems that can plague soil-based gardens. This reduces the need for harmful chemicals, resulting in healthier and cleaner produce.

Additionally, hydroponics allows for precise control over the plants’ growing conditions, leading to higher-quality plants with improved flavor and nutritional value. It also enables efficient use of space, making it possible to grow plants in areas where soil-based gardening may not be feasible. Overall, hydroponics is a sustainable and effective way to grow a wide range of plants.

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What Lighting can you use in hydroponics?

 Hydroponic lighting is an essential component of any hydroponic system. Plants require light in order to photosynthesize and produce the energy they need to grow, and when grown using hydroponics, plants do not have access to sunlight, so artificial lighting must be used to provide them with the light they need.

There are several different types of lighting that can be used in hydroponics. The most common type of hydroponic lighting is fluorescent lighting, which is available in a wide range of sizes and shapes. Fluorescent lighting is relatively inexpensive and provides a good spectrum of light for most plants, but it is not as energy-efficient as other options.

Another type of lighting that can be used in hydroponics is high-intensity discharge (HID) lighting, which includes metal halide (MH) and high pressure sodium (HPS) lights. HID lights are more energy-efficient than fluorescent lights and can produce more light per watt, but they also generate more heat, which can be harmful to some plants.

A newer type of lighting that is becoming increasingly popular for hydroponics is LED lighting. LED lights are highly energy-efficient and produce very little heat, making them a great option for hydroponic systems. They are also available in a wide range of colors, allowing you to provide your plants with the specific spectrum of light they need to grow and thrive.

Ultimately, the type of lighting you choose for your hydroponic system will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Fluorescent lighting is a good, affordable option for most plants, while HID lights are better suited to plants that require more light or can tolerate high temperatures. LED lights are the most energy-efficient and versatile option, but they can also be the most expensive. By considering your plants’ specific needs and the features and costs of each type of lighting, you can choose the best option for your hydroponic system.

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What is Par, PPF and PPFD?

What are PAR, PPF and PPFD, and why should you care?

As a grower, you have a lot of things to care about. Plant lifecycles, grow light positioning, heat, light spectrum, space and market are all incredibly important factors to consider when building a greenhouse or grow area.

As you explore this world and unpack the different metrics and grow lights and systems that you need for optimum yields and healthy, flavoursome plants, you will hit a wall of acronyms. These acronyms – PAR, PPF, PPFD – sit alongside terms like watts, lumens, photon efficiency and LUX, and they are all critical to helping you create the perfect grow space and yield.

This isn’t as complicated as it sounds. In this guide, we explain exactly what PAR, PPF and PPFD mean, and exactly why you should care…

What is PAR (Photosynthetic Active Radiation)?

PAR stands for photosynthetic active radiation and describes the wavelengths of light that sit within the visible range of 400-700nm. It was originally defined by research undertaken by Dr Keith McCree in the early 1970s, and it is described as the type of light required for photosynthesis. PAR doesn’t measure light, it is rather a term that can help the grower determine the type and volume of light that’s needed to optimise plant yields and health. PAR light is leveraged by grow light systems to mimic natural light and can be optimised with other light solutions to change light density, usage, and measurements.

For the grower, PAR is a term that should be used to help fully realise optimal lighting layout and usage. It is also an important consideration when purchasing grow lights – ensure that you fully understand how much PAR they produce, how much energy they use to produce their PAR, and how much PAR is available for the plants. These are some of the basic considerations that need to be managed before you sign on that dotted line.

What is PPF (Photosynthetic Photon Flux)?

PPF is the term used to define the measurement of PAR. It stands for photosynthetic photon flux and its value determines how much PAR is being produced by anyone lighting system over the period of a second. PPF is the second essential ingredient in your recipe to the perfect lighting for your grow space. This is what helps you to establish exactly how much of the light your grow lighting system is producing can be used by your plants for photosynthesis.

For the grower, measuring PPF requires equal parts understanding of the process and mathematical patience. There are PPF measurement tools available on the market, but you can work with a trusted partner who can help you create a lighting system that’s efficient enough to deliver the PAR and PPF you need. PPF is measured in micromoles per second (µMol/S) – one micromole is around 602 quadrillion photons (source: LED Gardener)

What is PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density)?

The third part of the PAR equation is PPFD. This stands for photosynthetic photon flux density and it does more than just measure the PPF, it also measures the surface area. PPFD is measured in micromoles per square metre per second (µMol/m2/S) which establishes exactly how many PAR photons are landing on a specific area. PPFD is all about how many of those essential, photosynthetic photons are actually impacting the grow area and how well those lights are working when it comes to their output.

For the grower, it’s important to make sure that the PPFD data you get from your grow light manufacturer is accurate and covers the entire area of the light. It’s relatively easy to massage this information, so consider factors such as distance from the light source, a number of measurements that account for the average, and the minimum/maximum ratio before you buy. This is another great reason why you should work with a trusted grow light partner who can offer you relevant metrics and the right tools to fully benefit from PAR, PPF, and PPFD.


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Start by taking cuttings from a nice healthy stem just under the third node and place them in a container of  lukewarm water with  1ml of Oxy-Plus per  litre of water or Fongarid to directions . Ensure your cutting blade is clean and sharp edge to minimize damage to both the plant and your new cutting,  Prepare your cubes by soaking them in a container of warm water with a root X-ellerator, Squeeze excess water from the cube so that it is still moist but not dripping . Half fill a small cup with cloning gel so your bottle does not get contaminated. Half fill your propagation tray with perlite and  pour in water approximately half the height of your perlite with plant food added.

Choosing were to take the cutting can be difficult but if you stick to the following steps your cutting will root and grow in no time.

The ideal length of your cutting is just under the third or fourth node.
Each cutting should have at least 3 to 4 nodes.  The roots can only grow from a node.
Remove the  bottom  leaves and cut the top set in half.
Take cutting on an angle about 5mm to 10mm below the node.
Dip cutting into your cloning gel and shake off excess( do not waste your clonex add water and pour it around your tubes)
Gently place in your moist grodan/root it cube, ensure cutting is rigid and upright.

Once you have finish taking your cuttings place them in your propagation tray on top of your bed of perlite, cover with clear top with wings closed. These wings can be opened, once cuttings begin to show signs of roots, over the period of 5-7 days. Always  foliage feed daily with a spray bottle of plant food or plant promoter . Spray your cube  lightly and do not let cubes dry out, keep the cubes moist so that the cutting can begin root growth stage. On the sixth day open your side wings and the on the ninth or tenth day open your top wings. Remove the clear cover the next day.

Follow these steps and you will have  happy plants

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Isabellas Nursery